Barry Steele brings songs of Roy Orbison to Bolton audience

LIKE many performers, Barry Steele has found the past 18 months hard to deal with as the Covid pandemic effectively brought live performances to an abrupt halt.

But now with theatres reopening, Barry is back on the road and delighting audiences around the country in the Roy Orbison Story which comes to Bolton’s Albert Halls next Friday.

“I think like everyone in the world, the Covid pandemic has hit us very hard,” he said. “We have only just resumed touring and it is very difficult. We have lost a family member and we hardly saw our family. However, on the upside, myself and my wife Lynne were able to spend some precious time together as just husband and wife and not working partners.”

It is down to Lynne - and daughter Leonie - that audiences can enjoy arguably the most realistic Roy Orbison tribute. For had they not entered him into a holiday camp singing contest he would probably be still driving HGVs for Asda.

“I sang Angels and a fellow competitor said ‘You know you sound like Roy Orbison singing Robbie Williams' so with the help of family and friends a tribute to The Big O was born,” he said.

Since then Barry has performed around the world including singing in front of Roy’s son Wesley and he has taken the show into London’s West End.

The show is a comprehensive look at the entire career of one of the greatest singers including his time as a member of the supergroup The Travelling Wilburys.

Barry revealed more about the current show.

He said: "I am backed in this all live multi-media show, with not only a fabulous band and musicians, but a big screen featuring both live streaming, and images from the life and times of Roy Orbison, his friends and fellow musicians interspersed with factoids and information about the life and times of what is considered to be one of the best singers the world has ever known.”

The show will also include a tribute to Buddy Holly bringing even more classic songs to the stage.

"Orbison’s songs not only have wonderful melodies and tunes, the lyrics are some of the most sublime ever written," said Barry. "Not only does the music take you back in time, the songs can make you happy, sad and emotive all at the same time.

"Orbison is known as a balladeer, but he also recorded and performed rocky and contemporary songs. His songs are quite simply timeless."

The Roy Orbison Story, Albert Halls, Bolton, Friday, November 12. Details from

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