Worrying trends for government banking on economy to win election

September 6, 2021 â€" 5.00am

If the election is called soon, it will inevitably focus on what everybody is talking about right now: reopenings and vaccination rates. But in the more likely scenario, of an election early next year, we are likely to be focused on the economy. On that front, the government would have noticed two dismaying trends in media coverage last week.

The first was the flurry of newspaper articles arguing that we are in a recession already. Ignore the technical definition, we were told, and focus on what is actually happening. This pushback â€" against the idea we are only in recession when the economy shrinks across two consecutive quarters â€" has been gaining force for some time. Last week it seemed to hit a new level.

Shuttered shops in Blacktown in July.

Shuttered shops in Blacktown in July.Credit:Dean Sewell

Debates between experts â€" like, say, epidemiologists â€" usually stay just that, until some large event comes along and makes it relevant to us all. The reason this debate about recession has suddenly spilled out of its usual egg-headed domain is partly down to the economists who have been making the case to change the definition for years.

Mostly, though, it is an indicator of just how dire is current feeling in much of the community. To anybody who has recently walked along a bleak and empty shopping street, as I did last week â€" so many shopfronts with signs reading “closed” or “closed indefinitely” â€" the idea we are not in recession because the numbers don’t add in a particular way seems meaningless.

This is a reminder that there is often a gulf between how numbers seem to suggest we should feel and how we actually feel. The strongest recent example has been the absurd AstraZeneca situation. The numbers are clear: the risk of serious complications is ​extremely low. But considering risk in a generalised, theoretical way and responding to it in our own lives are two very different things.

This gulf is about to make its presence felt again, as the country prepares to open up. The evidence might suggest that children don’t face much of a threat from COVID-19, but whether that has much of an effect on how the parents of young children act in coming months is yet to be seen.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

Not that parents have a monopoly on anxiety. In both Britain and the United States, there have been some recent signs that their economic recoveries are now beginning to wobble in the face of Delta.

One of the many simplistic stupidities peddled in this country over the past year has been that economic downturns are caused by lockdowns. Increasingly, the evidence points to the main cause of downturns being fear: with or without lockdowns, people tend to stay home if they think that venturing out has a reasonable chance of causing death. And this in turn means that â€" as Noah Smith at Bloomberg observed in a piece bringing some of this research together â€" reopenings do not inevitably give the economy a boost. Of course, it is possible that the combination of summer, Christmas, reopening and pent-up savings will do what we all hope they will. But the prospect that it might not will worry the government.

The second media story owes its sudden prominence to the same factors: an economist pushing it uphill for a long time and then a sudden relevance to ordinary people.

In this case, the economist is also a Labor MP. For months, Andrew Leigh has been telling anyone who would listen about the billions of dollars in JobKeeper claimed by companies that didn’t need it. Last night, the story leaped out of the newspapers and onto commercial television â€" specifically 60 Minutes (aired on Nine, publisher of this newspaper). Gerry Harvey inadvertently did his part in this media push by agreeing to repay several million bucks. But there was another essential element, made obvious in the deep-voiced ad for 60 Minutes: “The businesses that pocketed billions from JobKeeper ... Why they’ll never have to give it back, but the battlers will.”

Harvey Norman chairman Gerry Harvey has paid back JobKeeper.

Harvey Norman chairman Gerry Harvey has paid back JobKeeper.Credit:Janie Barrett

It is this contrast that is dynamite. Since the end of the financial year, ordinary people who received JobKeeper have started to receive letters asking for social security overpayments back. There is nothing unusual in this, except that now you have two groups of people paid through JobKeeper â€" businesses and workers â€" and the government is only going after one of them. Some of those people are pensioners.

For much of last year, it seemed the politics of debt and deficit were over. But there are occasional signs the Liberal Party is still stuck in that mindset, a little too nervous about spending, even as we remain in a pandemic. It seemed reluctant to provide new lockdown payments, and now it is threatening to reduce or refuse payments in states that go back into lockdown once vaccination rates are higher. Then there is the growing concern that funding to the National Disability Insurance Scheme will be cut (or, in the Minister’s words, put on a “more sustainable cost trajectory”).

The risk for the Liberal Party is that these three elements come together in time for the election: in the midst of an economic downturn, it worries too much about spending and is seen to be taking money from the people who can least afford it. Last week’s media stories gave a hint of what that might look like politically â€" but only a hint.

Sean Kelly is a regular columnist and a former adviser to Labor prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.

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Sean Kelly is a columnist for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald and a former adviser to Labor prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia GillardConnect via Twitter.

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