What the numbers reveal about Australias Pfizer shipments

Australians have been given many facts and figures about the vaccine rollout but it has not been easy to get a clear fix on the volumes going to states and territories since shipments began in February.

Now there are figures from the federal government’s vaccine taskforce showing the deliveries each month in the three programs in the rollout.

This is a different way to view the rollout compared to the daily results on jabs in arms. The shipments do not always lead to jabs in the same month, given the vials can be stored for weeks before being used.

What the figures show is what Australians would probably expect: some states experienced greater shipments at some points in time to respond to rising coronavirus case numbers.

This is what happened in Victoria in June, when it received 527,994 doses, more than NSW or any other state. This reflected decisions made public at the time to bring forward doses for Victoria on the understanding it would give up some at a later point.

The same thing happened on a much greater scale in NSW after coronavirus case numbers started to rise in June. More Pfizer shipments went into the state to counter the outbreak in western Sydney.

The help for NSW was not a secret. The government announced that more Pfizer would to go the state when Prime Minister Scott Morrison struck a vaccine swap with Poland on August 15, boosting supplies by one million doses.

NSW received 530,000 of those Polish doses. If the bonus had been divided according to population, it would have received about 320,000 instead.

There were separate announcements to help NSW with 150,000 additional Pfizer doses in July (along with 150,000 extra AstraZeneca doses) and a bonus of 50,000 Pfizer doses announced on July 24.

The main help for NSW was seen at about 260 primary care clinics, such as GPs. These NSW clinics received 711,000 doses in August, more than twice the volume that went to the same channel in Victoria.

The combined result is that NSW has received more Pfizer doses than its share of the population. This is a benefit that only lasts for a set period of time, in the same way that Victoria benefited in June.

“It’s like getting an advance on your pay â€" you get it upfront and then give it back later,” one federal source says.

There are many ways to interpret the data. Some believe NSW needed the increase, while others want the doses to be shared on a per-capita basis. The purpose of these tables and charts is to present the numbers so readers can judge for themselves.

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David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.Connect via Twitter or email.

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