LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Catholic leadership shirking duties

The Catholic church today is being held together not by leadership but by a thread of many heroic and faithful pastors and priests at the parish level.

In the U.S. bishops and cardinals are analogous to the Pharisees of Biblical times. They enjoy high standing in the community and desire the approval of politicians and the media. They also fear criticism from both. They are filled with vainglory and carry with them a pomposity of their positions in the church. They present themselves in fancy garments that show their high level of importance.

This, of course, is also evident in the Vatican and Rome. As revealed by internal documents, a high percentage of the “Peter’s Pence” money (an annual Papal collection supposedly for the poor) goes to support the lavish residences of the cardinals.

Who and what suffers from this leadership? First, God’s church itself. Second, the millions of the Catholic faithful, “the flock” who follow the Ten Commandments the Holy Bible, miraculous apparitions and more. Again, they are not held together by Catholic leadership, but by heroic pastors and priests at the parish level.

What also suffers greatly is the sacrament of marriage and the family, as well as education of our children, truth and honesty in life and the salvation of souls. Also suffering are the millions of innocent children who are being slaughtered through abortion â€" now even in late-term pregnancies.

It is time for Catholic leadership to put on “sackcloth” and do its job.


Chicopee, Mass.

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