BOLTON Previously rejected plans for multiple occupancy units for 100 people revived
REVIVED plans have been unveiled for three accommodation blocks with ‘multiple occupancy’ units to house 100 people close to Royal Bolton Hospital.
Dorbcrest Homes has lodged planning documents this week for two, four-storey blocks with 16 five-bed multiple occupancy units.
A third three-storey block would house a further two multiple occupancy properties and eight flats.
Similar proposals for the land on a disused railway line off Minerva Road in Farnworth, were turned down by councillors last July after they heard fears the building could overlook neighbours and that the development would have a lack of private amenity space for residents.
Residents formed an action group to oppose the plans and voiced concerns about loss of privacy, loss of light and being overlooked.
Before being refused by the committee the council received 51 letters of objection.
In the new proposals, the developer, which acquired the land 13 years ago, stated they had addressed issues with the scale of one the blocks aftrer reducing it by a floor. No windows would face residents on nearby Colchester Road.
The new plans have a separation distance of at least 25m from other properties, more than the council’s set minimum.
The developer previously stated it was hoped the three blocks would be attractive to staff working Royal Bolton Hospital and the proposed new £30m Bolton College of Medical Science.
A design and access statement said: “The application site comprises of previously developed land.
“Adjacent residential development demonstrates that the proposals will integrate well and not adversely impact on the character and appearance of the area.
“The application site is some 0.72 hectares in extent and comprises of a broadly rectangular plot of land bordering Minerva Road which is part of the former Bolton -Salford railway line.
“The site is in a poor condition has previous planning consent for the erection of 45 two bed apartments granted in February 2004.
“Works commenced on site but stalled due to viability issues, particularly in relation to the scale of the apartment development and issues concerning contamination.
“The site has been vacant since 2011 and is now in a very poor state which detracts from the character and appearance of the area.â€
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